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Funding Process

Everything you need to know from purchase to becoming an trader.

Daily Maximum Loss explanation and calculation

Daily Drawdown is initially calculated by 5% of your initial balance or scaled balance (balance a...

Can I pass using someone else's signals?

No, signal services are not permitted. We are looking for skilled traders to trade our accounts. ...

Can I copy trades or trade as a team?

No, each trader is expected to have their own trade strategy. We do not allow teams to trade the ...

When does my evaluation countdown start?

Your evaluation countdown starts from the first opened trade on the evaluation account. Trading ...

What's the process to start earning with Funded?

To start earning with Funded, simply sign up for the product or the account size you wish to trad...

How fast will I receive my Funded Account after I sign up?

As soon as we receive all the information required at sign up, a team member will email you your ...

What happens when you pass the Funding process?

When you pass Phase-1 or Phase-2, our system will automatically begin evaluation of the account e...

How long do I have to pass the Funded evaluation process?

Trading days are unlimited on all phases.

How fast can I start earning?

For regular accounts: You can receive the trading account in less than one day depending on your...

What happens if I lose money in the Funded Trader Account?

Traders are not responsible for the financial losses made in the Funded Account. Traders agree to...

How does the Funded Account work?

The Funded Account allows traders to receive 80% of profits they have generated while trading in ...

What happens if I violate a rule?

If you violate the rules, you can buy a new account and start the process over when you feel you ...